Wednesday, August 18, 2010

5 Easy Personal Computer Maintenance Tips LiveScience

The No. 1 reason consumers reinstate their computers �short of a finish complement disaster is that their stream computer is as well delayed or suffers from bad performance, according to a new Harris Interactive poll.

If youve beheld a decrease in your�PCs�performance, and you are utilizing your computer for about the same volume of time and for the same tasks that you did when you purchased it, there are elementary and free procedures to try prior to you head out for a replacement.

Here is a five-step slight that can be finished right from the desktop, no collection required. After the primary tune-up, plan on you do this upkeep slight about each 3 months if you are the normal home computer user, some-more often if your computer is used all day via the week, and less if it is used usually once or twice a week.

Step 1: Uninstall Programs You Dont Use

Over time, new module collects in the computers similar to old keys in a drawer: They were utilitarian for a time, but chances are you cant recollect what they are for now. So if you havent used a module in the last 6 months, uninstall it to free up space and concede your computer to run the critical things some-more efficiently.

To do this, go to the Windows Start button, name "Control Panel" name "Program and Features" or "Install/Uninstall Programs," depending on the Windows version. Scan the list. If you see a module you commend and know you dont have make use of of it, right click on the name, and afterwards click uninstall. If you are uncertain about a program, leave it alone.

Step 2: Delete Temporary and Unnecessary Files

Each time you revisit a site online, your computer stores report so the subsequent time you visit, the page will bucket faster. This is great in principle, but proxy files supplement up over time, and might in conclusion delayed the bucket time of applications. If you havent deleted proxy files in a year or longer, you might be means to free up 10 percent or some-more of the computers�memory.

To do this, go behind to the Start button, name "Computer" or "My Computer," right click on the "C" drive, name "Properties" click on "Disk Cleanup" and name "All Users" if you get a popup window with that option. Once you give it the go-ahead, Disk Cleanup will work out how majority space you will be means to free up. Click to check the boxes in this window. If you remonstrate with Disk Cleanups recommendations, simply have certain that box is unchecked. And then�stop��dont click "Okay" yet. Rather, name the "More Options" add-on and ensue to Step 3.

Step 3: Delete All but Most Recent System Restore

Free up some-more hoop space by stealing all but the majority new revive point. As a customary function,Windows�takes a image of the essence of your computer at unchanging intervals. This procession will keep usually the majority new one.

Click "Clean up." This takes a fragment of a second, but as you ensue with the Disk Cleanup, be patient. This slight might take up to half an hour or longer if the been a little time given the last cleanup.

Step 4: Defrag

Data is created and stored in hoop blocks. Over time, files are deleted and new files are added. If a record cannot be stored in diagonally opposite blocks, they turn fragmented. One 5 megabyte jpg. print file, for example, could be sparse opposite 5,000 hoop blocks. Instead of pulling the pieces of a record from diagonally opposite blocks, the computer has to accumulate them up, that of march takes longer. Defragging is simply a approach of expelling dull blocks and putting files behind together.

Your Properties window should still be open. Select Tools. Click on "Defragment Now." This slight might be scheduled as an involuntary charge about once a week.

Step 5: Scan for Viruses, Spyware, etc.

Now that your computer is clean, have make use of of your security module to do a brush for viruses, worms, and spyware that can repairs your computer and concede your�privacy. This step should be faster right away since youve already deleted nonessential programs and files, that can save indicate time.

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